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Audio Sermons
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Listen to Audio Sermons on-line
Welcome to the Rolling Fields streaming audio sermons page. Here you are invited to listen to sermons that have been archived on the Rolling Fields website. These sermons are recorded in mp3 format and are encoded so dial-up as well as broadband users should be able to listen with no problems.
To listen to a sermon just click on the title of the sermon of the sermon in blue. If you receive a message that gives you the options “open” or “save” click the “open” button, this is mostly an “iTunes” prompt.
The date the sermon was given is on the right. Please feel free to fill out the form at the bottom of the page, this will let us know how many people are taking advantage of these sermons and from where you are listening.
Where in the World are you?
We are always curious to see who is listening to our sermons on-line. Please feel free to fill out the information below to let us know who you are and where you are listening from.
What To Expect At RF!
Meeting Times
We worship together Sunday at 10:45am. Our church family comes from all over Southern Indiana & the Greater Louisville area. Rolling Fields offers a full nursery, children’s activities, youth & adult small groups.