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The youth program at Rolling Fields Baptist
(Birth – 3 years old)
Loving, caring, qualified childcare workers provide care for birth through age three. Children are encouraged to learn about Jesus through Bible stories, Bible videos and other activities. Children enjoy playtime, snack time, story time and much more!
The nursery opens approximately 15 minutes prior to Sunday Service. A silent paging system is used for parents of infants, in case we need Mommy or Daddy to come to the nursery. All children must be signed in and out by their parent or guardian.
Children’s Ministries
(4 years old – 5th grade)
Rolling Fields is blessed to have an energetic Children’s Ministry Team. These volunteers are committed to loving children closer to God.
Children’s Sunday School Classes are offered at 9:30 am. Children’s church is offered in the 10:45 service. Children begin the worship service with their families, worshiping together. The kids are dismissed before the Pastor’s message to go downstairs for Children’s Church. Children’s Church is available to children ages 4 through 5th grade.
On Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 to 7:45 we offer TeamKid for children 4 years old through 5th grade. This is a fun time of games, crafts, and most importantly learning about Jesus. The nursery is also available during this time for children birth to 3 years old.

What To Expect At RF!
Meeting Times
We worship together Sunday at 10:45am. Our church family comes from all over Southern Indiana & the Greater Louisville area. Rolling Fields offers a full nursery, children’s activities, youth & adult small groups.